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Dear Exhibitor, 
We are pleased to introduce the FIPAN 2019 Exhibitor's Manual, which aims to guide your participation and of your service providers in the event. 
Compliance with all the Rules established here will contribute to the success of your company and of the event. 
For any questions about this Manual (Technical Standards and Operational Forms), please contact our Operational Department by phone (+5511) 3159-4223 or email expositor@fipan.com.br 
It will be sent automatically via email, access password to Operational Forms, which are available on the Event website (www.fipan.com.br) from February 22, 2019, in the area restricted to the Exhibitor. 
For exhibitors who hire their own mounting company, we report that it should become aware and comply with all rules set forth herein. 
It is the responsibility of the mounting company to fill the specific Operational Forms for the mounting work. 

We provide on the event website a copy of this Manual for printing
1 - It will not be accepted payments of taxes made personally at the Organizer by means of checks or bank deposit (be it identified or not). 
2 - Payment of mandatory taxes and/or hired services performed after July 5, 2019 (deadline) shall only be effected at the Event's Exhibitor Service Center (CAEX), from July 18 (after noon) and with 10% increase.
4 - Throughout the event period (Mounting, finishing/decoration, production and dismantling), shall be strictly forbidden: access of people under 16 years old, including infants, people wearing shorts, sleeveless shirt and/or slippers. 
4 -  ATTENTION: EXHIBITORS, mouting companies an service providers shall mandatory wear helmet (protective equipment) in the internal area of the pavilions during the entire mounting period (july 18-19-20 and 21) and  dismounting period (July 26, after 8 pm, 27 and 28). 

We wish you all, success and good business, 

Yours faithfully,